Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Preparing for the Journey

{ at home }

My arms are throbbing with pain from the four vaccines I received today.

Yes, ''ouch'' is the right word for it.

I have mixed feelings as I am getting ready for my trip to Cairo inshaAllah, but I'd say I am more nervous than excited.

I feel like a child the night before they embark on the journey of kindergarten, tossing and turning in their little bed, their mind totally absorbed with all the different emotions, wondering if the kids at school would like them, or if they will be brave enough to ask the teacher to use the restroom...

Only my bed is bigger now and I am not a child.


I have already googled all the accidents the aircraft has been invloved in. Let's just say there are too many to list... :-X

So yes, I am more nervous than excited.

But this is what I hope to look back at and say, "Haha, why on earth was I so nervous??"

(yes, I know, the risk of getting into a car accident is much higher than an airplane, but still...)


Diha said...

haha. awww don't worry. inshaAllah you will have a wonderful trip and experience GREAT and AMAZING things! keep us in you duas during your travels. and take TONS of pictures! :)

Anonymous said...

TONS & TONS of Hugs Puht! I'm going to miss you sooo much! VA is going to be so lonely for me in July :( I pray you learn alot and have a great time inshaAllah. Please keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Please post often. Can't wait to read about your experience :)